• Pilgrim Herald
    60th Celebration
    Scrip Program

Rev. Joseph M. Fisher

 Senior Pastor
 Phone:(262) 335-6736
 Email: revjfisher@att.net

462 Meadowbrook Dr.
West Bend , Wisconsin   53090

I received my Bachelor’s Degree from Concordia University in River Forest, IL and my Masters of Divinity from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN in 1994.   Since graduation from the Seminary I have served as a parish pastor at Pilgrim Ev. Lutheran Church, being called as Senior Pastor 1997.  During this time I have defended the Christian faith in radio debates and public presentations.  I have worked with Lutheran’s for Life serving as Pastoral advisor for six years.  I have been published in the Lutheran Clarion and have presented at Higher Things National Youth Gatherings and Lutheran’s for Life at the State conventions. I have served the South Wisconsin District on the Communication Task Force and as Pastoral Delegate to the Synod Convention twice.  I worked to get a Communion Wine law passed allowing pastors the right to bring communion into State Prisons and County Jails in Wisconsin.  At present I am also serving as a Adjunct Theology Professor at Concordia University Wisconsin. 
On a personal note, I have been married to my wife Christine since 1991 and the Lord has blessed us with two daughters Elizabeth born in 1995 and Rebecca born in 1997.