• Pilgrim Herald
    60th Celebration
    Scrip Program
Pastor Raffa

In Memoriam + Roland Essig 1930-2014+

May 14, 2013 Text: John 14:1-14 In Nomine Jesu Sad but true. Many stories are never told, never finished. They are buried in the garden of estrangement, they sink into the depths of the sea, they are scattered over the entire earth, a piece here, a piece there. We are blown by the...

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Holy Thursday: Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Maundy Thursday April 17, 2014   “Lead us Not Into Temptation” Luke 22:39-46 In Nomine Jesu It’s late in the evening. It’s actually Friday; that part of Friday that is after sundown on what today is called Thursday. The Passover has been...

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Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Midweek 5 April 10, 2014   “Forgive Us Our Trespasses…” Matthew 18:21-35 In Nomine Jesu In the parable, Jesus, the wise rabbi, first sets the law not the gospel before our eyes. The king rules with a ledger, pure and simple: for the honest, the...

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Lent I: Holy Communion Is The Tree of Life

Lent 1 March 9, 2014 Holy Communion is the Tree of Life In Nomine Jesu For the next five weeks we will delve into the richness and goodness of Holy Communion. We have, for some time now, discussed in bible study hours, in council, elders, and voter’s meetings, and amongst...

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In Memoriam +Dorothy Birthrong+

In Memoriam +Dorothy M. Birthrong+ St. Luke 2:25-35; St. John 10:14-18; Revelation 7:9-17 In Nomine Jesu Beloved children of the Lord’s Christ, and especially you, Faith, Connie, Joyce and Jill, the fruit of Dorothy’s womb, she is now the firstfruits of Christ’s...

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5th Sunday after the Epiphany: Divine Salt and Light

5th Sunday after the Epiphany February 6, 2014 Matthew 5:13-20 Divine Salt and Light In Nomine Jesu What am I doing with my life? Its’ a question that will often supersede all the other questions of life that I don’t have answers for. It’s a question that...

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Baptism of our Lord

Baptism of our Lord January 12, 2014 Matthew 3:13-17 In Nomine Jesu Jesus had traveled some fifteen miles to reach the Jordan River. As He walked along its edge, His eyes didn’t behold a pristine and pure river, a seamless coast of crystallized sand and a sea of fathomless...

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Circumcision and Name of Jesus

The Feast of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus January 1, 2014 Luke 2:21 In Nomine Jesu Increasingly our liturgical calendar sinks into obscurity. Along with this go the teachings of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church into the black hole of religious pluralism and...

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The Blood of the New Testament in the New Year

January 2014 The Blood of the New Testament in the New Year “But lest the infirmity, unworthiness, and uncleanness of our flesh disturb or overturn our faith, the Son of God affirms that in His Supper He is offering His body and His blood to us in such a way that with the bread and...

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Christmas 1: Out of Egypt

First Sunday After Christmas    December 29, 2013 Matthew 2:13-23 In Nomine Jesu Just when you thought you had survived Christmas, think again. There is no time to catch your breath. No time to rest. You must run with haste. You must keep watch on every side. You...

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